Across Angus
A Week Availability
Qualified & Waiting
Across Angus
A Week Availability
Qualified & Waiting
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Our services focuses on muscle and joint injuries, back and neck pain, sports rehabilitation and orthopaedic rehabilitation. Our Chartered Physiotherapists use their expert knowledge and experience to optimise recovery and help our clients meet their goals – whether this is walking to the shops or running ultra-marathons. We provide a number of Pilates Classes which are a fantastic long-term management option for those with chronic health conditions such as low back pain or those just looking for a low impact exercise class. We can also provide detailed biomechanical assessment and pre-hab programmes aimed at athlete development and injury prevention.”
Since joining Ruth’s Pilates class I haven’t suffered an episode of back pain. Ruth leads the class in a professional manner and is able to encourage personal development. I have rediscovered muscles that have been long forgotten.
Thanks again for all the help and advice. I wouldn’t be anywhere near this level without it
This is the best Pilates class I have ever been to
I have received some great treatment from Angus Physiotherapy which has significantly benefited my rugby career over the last year. From strengthening exercises to sports massages, I would highly recommend them to anyone. Fantastic to work with and very friendly.
Before joining Olivia’s back rehabilitation and pilates class, I was unable to carry out simple, everyday tasks. I am now able to do these and am living a more ‘normal life’ (whatever that is)! I have been encouraged to have goals to aim for and I know I couldn’t have done this without her skills, professionalism and encouragement
We offer a wide range of services and treatments across Angus at multiple locations. Our staff are all highly qualified and will get you on the road to recovery as quickly as possible.
At AngEnfold Gym leads the fitness industry when it comes to helping people reach their fitness goals. We have Crossfit courses, a full weight room, multiple cardio areas, personal trainings, group classes, and more!
At Angus Physiotherapy, we provide elite assessment, treatment and rehabilitation for many different conditions.
We offer clients all the attention and care they deserve in order to get them feeling healthy again.
David Lloyd Leisure Club,
Ethiebeaton Park,
We operate 7 days a week across 4 handy locations across Angus. For details of locations, times and classes click here.